Business Umbrella

Salary Guide

Salary Guide



Your one-stop shop for salary ranges, benefits, and hiring trends for over 100 positions in finance and accounting, legal, financial services, human resources, and technology.


We have the numbers combined with real-world insights you need to plan your next career move or retain and hire top talent.

Access the Salary Guide for Saudi Arabia.

Access the Salary Guide for UAE.

Why use the Business Umbrella Salary Guide?


Discover the starting salaries for hundreds of positions across five industries.

growth (1)

Dive into the economic shifts and in-demand skills shaping the hiring market to gain a competitive advantage in attracting top talent or finding your next great roles.


Discover which perks and benefits most employers provide — and which are most desired by employees.

How much should I charge or earn?

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Get a complete picture of the upcoming hiring landscape.

The Business Umbrella UAE Salary Guide is a source for national starting salaries as well as information on hiring and finding jobs in:

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